At BNP Paribas, your elected representatives and representatives of the SNB / CFE-CGC are field players who mobilize on a daily basis with one objective: to facilitate your professional life. We provide individual and collective defense of executives and technicians of the bank and more ...
By highlighting the values of solidarity, equity and personal development, the SNB / CFE-CGC aims to be different from other unions.
If we have become the 1st Syndicate at BNP Paribas, as well as in many banking establishments, it is because the SNB / CFE-CGC of today is a union that wants to be Human and at your service. Guarantors of respect for human values, our strength is to rely on this network, internal and external to our company, which allows us to weigh and make our voices heard during collective bargaining.
By favoring membership, we create a united community with links that allow us to stay in touch. The trust shown by our employees gives us specific responsibilities which we will continue to foster through constructive and pragmatic social dialogue.
In a company that is constantly evolving and which, too often, puts people in the background, our commitment is to put them back at the center of their concerns and to be the guarantor of social ties at work.
In 2018, nearly 6,500 employees and 800 retirees were members of the SNB / CFE-CGC BNP Paribas, the equivalent of 1 in 6 employees!